Friday, September 23, 2011

Bath Time!

Today I (Shannon) got my first opportunity to give Grayson and Avery a bath! It sounds kind of elementary, but every chance we get to interact with our kids is a real treat for us, and we cherish all of the little "firsts."

My phone croaked before I got pictures of Avery's bath, but our sweet nurse, Karin, helped me get a few of Grayson. You can see here that he wasn't too happy about getting bathed (unlike Avery, who apparently thought she was getting a spa treatment).

But he was fine after we got him dried off and fed. And he looks very cute in his monogrammed outfit (an adorable gift from our friend, Meredith Newton). He's much less angry here. I'm pretty happy, too. :)

1 comment:

  1. Here's a great trick my mother-in-law taught me when Olivia was born: Cover the baby's torso with a warm, wet wash cloth during the bath. Makes for a happier, warmer baby! Your babies are so cute!! I'm so excited for you to be able to bring them home soon!
