Friday, September 2, 2011


Shan and I have been making twice a day trips to the NICU to visit the triplets, and on yesterday's visit we had a few surprises: Graham and Avery had been taken off of the Bili light, and Avery and Grayson had been taken off of the SiPAP machines! This meant that Graham and Avery's red blood cell count had normalized, and that Avery and Grayson's breathing had improved to the point that they didn't need the machine's assistance!

With the Bili light off and the SiPAP machine no longer in use, Graham and Avery didn't need the "sunglasses" or the respiratory headgear anymore. We were ecstatic to see their faces! During last night's visit Shan was able to hold one of our babies for the first time. I think Avery liked it almost as much as Shannon :)

The babies also got to meet their Utah grandparents who visited them for a few days. In the last picture you can see my parents looking through the isolette talking to Grayson.

Less support from the machines, actually getting to hold Avery, and grandparents in town. It's been a busy few days, but days of progress. Lord willing, more to come!

After five days, we got to hold one of our babies. Here Shannon's holding Avery for the first time. Avery loved the feeling of being held and snuggled right up. I have my hands behind my back to make sure I don't touch the wheelchair or anything else. In the NICU hand washing is extremely serious and we work very hard to make sure we keep our hands bacteria-free.

Avery Mae without sunglasses or the SiPAP face mask on. The tube in her mouth is to help her with feeding. It was amazing to see her face!

Graham asleep and loving not having to wear his Ray-Bans anymore. Like Avery, it was an amazing feeling to see his face without any head gear on. The tube in his nose is called a "nasal cannula" and it gives him slightly more oxygen than room air. It's very different than the SiPAP machine however, as it does not breathe for him.

Our little Grayson. He's off of the SiPAP machine, but he's still under the Bili light (completely normal for babies his age). Here Gray's wearing a beanie to keep his eye protection in place. He loves to lay on his stomach. The nurses say it helps him feel like he has boundaries and almost replicates the feeling from the womb.

The Utah Grandparents visited the past few days. They loved getting to meet the grandkids and here they're watching Grayson wiggle around a bit.


  1. Way to go babies! They're doing great. Shannon, that picture of you holding Avery is priceless. (I'm in tears over here!) :)

  2. Yeah for progress. I remember when TJ was in the NICU. It is SOO SOOO good to hold them for the first time!

  3. I'm glad your parents got to visit so soon. It will be wonderful when you can hold all the babies - all the time. I am praying for their continued progress; sounds like they are doing great! I love their fuzzy hair too. congrats again

  4. Thanks for your encouragement!

    Alaina - Thanks for the encouragement! Hope all's well :)

    Ashley - We've loved seeing pictures of TJ on FB. It's encouraging to see him getting bigger!

    Amy - It was great to see the folks. Thank you for your continued prayers! We love their hair too. We call it "baby bird" hair :)
