Saturday, September 10, 2011


Graham's had a great week! Early in the week he was moved from Room A to Room D, which meant that he was stable enough to move to a room with a little less supervision. He's still receiving food through his feeding tube, but he no longer has any IVs, respiratory help, or need for the billi light. He originally lost some weight early in the week (normal for preemie babies), but as of last night he was 2lbs 14oz - his birthweight plus one ounce. He's currently eating 22 cc of every two-and-a-half hours and he's alternating between milk with a calorie boost and a special formula called EllaCare.

Since birth Graham has been the smallest of the three babies. This is surprising, because he's continued to lead the pack in development. Though he was small, he never required the assistance of the SiPAP machine to help him breathe. Graham also never had a pick-line inserted - he's been eating and digesting his own food since the feedings began. He may be small, but this little boy is a tough.

Graham seems to be a character and is extremely expressive! The nurses get a kick out of taking care of him and love to see all the faces he makes. When we read to him or just sit by his bedside and talk to him, he actually lifts up his head, turns toward us, opens his eyes, and furrows his little brow. I think we've even caught him smiling a few times!

Shan and I love our little boy and can't wait to get to take him home!

Don't worry, he won't have elf ears forever :) His cartilage is still growing and forming - normal for preemie babies. Is that a smile? (9/9/11)

The nurses have moved his feeding tube out of his mouth and to his nose. Hopefully this will allow him to start practicing suckling on a pacifier. By week 34 or 35 we hope that Graham will be able to feed from a bottle. (9/9/11)

Sound asleep. (9/4/11)

Early in the week Graham's red blood cell count climbed and the doctors chose to put him back on photo-therapy. He liked the tan, but his cell levels normalized and he's been off of the billi light for the rest of the week.

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