Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"Terbfull Tuesday"

Shan's contractions have been picking up the past few days, and we're using a drug named Terbutaline to try and keep them under control. "Terb" is the nickname used on the wing for the medicine, and "getting terbed" means getting a shot of it (we're picking up the nurses' lingo bit by bit). It does a pretty good job of stopping the contractions, but it's not the most fun. It means a shot, and sometimes Shan doesn't feel well afterward.

So, we decided to have some fun with the room's dry-erase board. The nurses usually keep it pretty basic, i.e. name, date, and phone number, but we wanted to mix it up. We originally had "Terbless Tuesday" on the board, but we had to change the name after our wishful thinking hit a snag with the fourth shot of Terbutaline today.

Our nurse Sarah hasn't seen her new nickname yet... :)


  1. Hi, Amy G here (from Utah) I am glad I get to read your blog - I think about you guys all the time lately. I will be praying for the shots to work their magic and not hurt too much. I had to get 3 rhogam shots throughout my entire pregnancies so I can't imagine 4 in one day! yikes. But hopefully the little kids stay in long enough.

  2. That is hilarious! As a nurse I would love this!

  3. Amy - thanks for the note and your prayers. We appreciate your support!
    Brooke - Thanks for your note! Hope you, Charlie, and Liana are doing well :)
