The past 24 hours have had a few milestones for our triplet experience: Thursday marked Shan's 5th week in the hospital, today we're 31 weeks into the pregnancy, and the babies almost came today.
Last night Shannon's body seemed to stop responding to Terbutaline and Procardia - the two main drugs the doctors have been using to keep things under control. Without these medicines to keep things in check, she started having very serious contractions and experiencing a lot of pain. The doctor hydrated her with an IV, put her on oxygen, and used an IV drip of Magnesium, the last option on the table, to try and bring things back under control. Magnesium is the big gun of the doctor’s arsenal, but even with the Mag, the contractions kept coming.
Our doctor said that Shannon’s body has reached it’s capacity and that she was quickly approaching her pain limit. He upped the magnesium dose, ran several tests, and prepared us for an emergency c-section several hours later. He had one caveat: if the Mag started to work before we were planning to deliver, and things stabilized, we’d postpone delivery.
Well, here we are! The Magnesium seems to be working better and our babies have at least one more day to cook. This delay may seem small, but at this point every day the babies have in the womb is critical for their development. It’s also given us time to administer a second shot of steroids to help the babies’ lungs develop.
We’re on a high-alert day-to-day status (it feels more like hour-to-hour), but right now, we’re happy to get any additional time in the womb for the babies.
We continue to thank God for His kindness – we know and trust He’s in control.