It's been a busy week for our triplets! All three babies "graduated" from Room A, the most intense and critical room in the NICU, to Room D - a quieter room in the NICU for babies who don't require respiratory support. It's been great - for the first time all three of our kids are right next to each other. When visiting we don't need to walk down a separate aisle to see one of the three anymore, and we don't need to scrub-in a second time to enter a second room (the babies were separated in different rooms for a few days).
Graham, Avery, and Grayson are all doing very well. All three are completely off of respiratory support and are breathing room air just like you and me. Graham no longer has any IVs, and Grayson and Avery are scheduled to have their last IVs removed tonight. All three babies are eating increased amounts of formula and milk via feeding tubes, and their little bodies are doing a pretty good job of processing the food. Each baby initially lost weight this week (normal for preemies), but all three gained the weight back and are now over their birth weights!
This week Shan and I were able to change diapers, take temperatures, and hold the babies! Our level of physical interaction is still very limited, and it really varies day-to-day based on how the babies are doing when we see them. We really love the opportunities we get to hold our kids, and we can't wait to take them home in the weeks to come.
We continue to thank God for his kindness to our family, and we trust Him with our little ones. Thank you for your continued prayers and support - we're so grateful to have friends and family like you!
The first time I held Grayson. His little eyes were open for the longest time just staring up at me. I loved getting to hold him, and I love this picture (in part because it doesn't show him spitting up on me 30 seconds later.)
Shan at work changing Avery's diaper. In six months we may be going crazy with diaper changes, but right now it's an opportunity interact with our children. I don't know if there have ever been two people so eager to change diapers! Shannon's quick, does a great job, and is already a pro!
Room D, the triplets' new home. Avery and Gray are on the left, and Graham is on the right. All three of our little ones in one room, on one aisle! We'll take it!
This was the first time I held Graham. We sat like this for just under an hour and his vitals didn't dip at all. He loved it!